Saturday, October 25, 2008

IntelliJ IDEA - buy it or leave it

Inspired by the coding style one of the software architects, I was wondering what is the catch in his beautiful code and his productivity, of course, besides his enormous knowledge in java technologies.
I find out that he use one of the java developing environment which is not so common in the life of the common java software engineers. You can guess, this developing environment is IntelliJ IDEA.
After downloading IntelliJ and checking options on the fly, first thing that I could notice is a lot of preposition for the code management, organizing members, methods, classes, instances, deployments..etc. I don't know, how would it be to switch between Eclipse IDE (environment which I'm using now) and IntelliJ environment, would it be good experience as it was with switching from NetBeans to Eclipse (i don't have nothing against NetBeans, but Eclipse was something what was easy to accept as new environment).
Whatever, we need always to take something new, to use it some time, and to valuate it. But, there is always some 'but', IntelliJ is not free environment, except if you have intention to make opensource software, or to use it in a classroom.
This price is probably a main reason, why this environment is not in a mass use among large number of java software engineers.
In any case, it is easy to notice that this is very useful environment, but from personal reasons, I don't have intention to purchase now, but I can recommend it, if you have some extra money:) if not, it is important that what ever you do, try to do it in a best way, and always search for a new ways to do it better and better.
Read more about it, at

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Der Urlaub ist vorbei, zeit entflieht

Uhh.. what can I say! This summer was really amazing, you can see it by my empty post list in previous months! In between, I had been in 2 weeks abroad, as you can suppose, mostly in Germany. The moments of great impression I had experienced in Berlin and Paris. Two great cities which I always wanted to see, and thanks God, wish came a truth.
(for those who are interested, you can find my pictures from this journey on my facebook profile)
During this nice time, I didn't use any computers, but I can say, I really needed this kind of holiday. But not using computers, doesn't mean not thinking about it :))
I the shop at the Dortmund Bahnhof I noticed interesting title on the newspaper, actually it was magazine, and not just ordinary magazine, but Java magazine. Unfortunately, magazine is only on german language, which I cannot understand. I bought one, in a hope that I will find something, what I'm able to read and understand. What I'm really wondering is, why we don't have something similar, not just in the Bosnia, but in whole region of ex Yugoslavia?! We know that there is a representative number of java experts in this region, which could make something what we engineers could use as some interesting knowledge resource for java technologies.
I'm sure that this kind of magazine in adriatic region could help and be a passive guide to software engineers who are living in this region.
If you are interested what I'm talking about, you can see at it republik

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