Google App Engine - Java Support

It's a very nice feeling when you are an Java Developer and when you see that one of the most powerful companies in the world, as Google is, supports java language in its new technologies, tools and toys:)
Besides Android, Google mobile platform based on Java, now there is a reach opportunity for Java programmers in the service-based cloud computing, which Google introduces through his Google App Engine. Primary, Google App Engine was supported with API in Python and Java support for this engine is in developing stage.
In the short, Java programmers have opportunity to be more focused on the programming. Server hosting and such kind of the support can be left to Google professionals. Of course, in this stage I can see it more as something for personal projects, and testing, I'm not so sure this can be used in commercial purpose for now. But it's definitely good for public organizations and other companies and individuals which just want to have simple and quick java supported site.
A very nice presentation of Google App Engine with Java:
More about it, how to configure and use (there is also Eclipse plugin)