Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
JavaPolis 2007 finished
One of the greatest java based conferences finished at Friday in Antwerp,Belgium. We can see how big event was by this cool numbers - more then 3200 participants from 42 countries. Belgium's JUG really have something to be proud on it. I can't wait for pdf presentations to be placed on the web, as they promised.
More about conference sensation you can read at javapolis homepage.
If you are interested in java materials there is a great place called, also initiative of very active and popular BeJUG. They would also put a presentations from conference in next months.
As always, picture (specially stairways :)) is thousand words
More about conference sensation you can read at javapolis homepage.
If you are interested in java materials there is a great place called, also initiative of very active and popular BeJUG. They would also put a presentations from conference in next months.
Monday, December 10, 2007
The first computer in my house - Commodore 610

Probably all of you are sentimental, when you talking about your first computer steps, and your first computer. Actually, my first computer steps were on Commodore 64, which has one of my best friend. But the first computer in my small room was computer on this picture, Commodore 610. It wasn't supported as 64, and in that time (1996) in Bosnia was very difficult to find any kind of software which you can run on this computer. But, surely, this computer and Commodore 64, helped to magnify my interests for IT, and those interests are still strong.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Managing your project in NetBeans
If you are software engineer, you probably have some experience in managing your projects. For those who aren't satisfied with way of managing or for those who never managed a project here is a short 'how-to' manage projects in NetBeans.
First, download NetBeans 6 and download SubVersion software.
Next, I found a very good subversion hosting, with nice support for collaboration between developers, You can create account there, or to find other subversion hosting. If you decide and register on codespaces, then next is to create subversion repository in admin section, place milestones, and set other parameters related for your projects. You can add users, assign tasks,set forum and much more useful stuff to improve your project management.
After one of added users logs, first he gets dashboard, a short project overview.
Each of users can easy upload their projects progress to repository. Simply open you java project in NetBeans, right click on project, choose Subversion->Import into Subversion Repository. If there is SVN error, check subversion software installation, set path to your installation and restart NetBeans. If there is no error, copy Repository link from Source code Tab in codespaces repository.
Insert your username and password and set folder name and import message.This message is ofter required on repositories, because of revisions reasons. If this is first time to upload project, then you can set "Project, version 1". Next what you'll be asked for is to select files to upload. I suggest to upload whole project.
Now, you are there - you can monitor your progres, and progress of others in the group, very easy update all changes of your code, and other useful things.

On Codespace, your development fellows and you have opportunity to monitor your code, browsing your project in Source code Tab
First, download NetBeans 6 and download SubVersion software.
Next, I found a very good subversion hosting, with nice support for collaboration between developers, You can create account there, or to find other subversion hosting. If you decide and register on codespaces, then next is to create subversion repository in admin section, place milestones, and set other parameters related for your projects. You can add users, assign tasks,set forum and much more useful stuff to improve your project management.

Now, you are there - you can monitor your progres, and progress of others in the group, very easy update all changes of your code, and other useful things.

On Codespace, your development fellows and you have opportunity to monitor your code, browsing your project in Source code Tab

Monday, December 3, 2007
NetBeans 6 released - download it

It's released, it's there, download it or get free DVD!!!
Previous order never came on my door, hope I will be lucky this time.
It's already downloaded, so DVD is to make my desk more beautiful :)
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Potential logo for potential JUG B&H

Ok, in the middle of my "free time" (I'm always struggling with the time :)) I created a potential logo for Java User Group of Bosnia and Herzegovina. You are right, there is no such group right now, but that isn't reason that I can't combine something interesting for me. In procedure is registering domain name, and maybe sometimes if group be gathered, I can give it to community, and join :)
Picture is combined from main form of java logo and of course, map of my country.
There is also large picture on my drive, but I suppose this is enough size for overview.