Friday, November 30, 2007
Java hosting support in B & H

Typical support, which you can rent from local hosting providers are mail,php,asp, MySQL and etc, but there is no Java support, no one have any java support.
I had been even called a main Bosnian telecom provider, which have own servers, and I got simple answer "we don't have interest in that, you are the first who call to ask for something like that, if we would have enough interested users, then we would consider about that". Ok, they are still in government property, we would see what would happen after private capital buys them. But, also I called private hosting providers, and most of them never thought about java support on servers.
Then, like most others java developers in Bosnia, I rent a web place on some server in Canada, which has java support. If you are bosnian hosting provider, and you considering about putting java support on your server, please contact me, you would make me happy. I don't have interests to be an hosting provider, and I need your java support guys, I really need it :)
Monday, November 26, 2007
Weird saturdays trip

It's more then a month, after last visit to my girlfriend. So finally I had weekend to visit her. Because of very bad weather conditions, and my back fall on ice in a front of working building (there is still some pain in backbone:( ) I decided to go in Mostar with a bus. As bus pass along stations, an older hairless man asked to sit next to me. First question was "you study IT, right?"...ok,maybe my eye glasses helped him. "I'm good friend with some of your professors and dean,you know",says, with some proud on his face. In the beginning, he seems to me like an interesting man, but story turned on his glorifying himself. Ok, I thought, I can handle that, I know how to listen, there is no need to interfere in his monologue. Than, after monologue, comes interesting part, I had been stricken with computer networks examination. After OSI model, TDM, VoIP, Ethernet... i tried to stop this silly situation. But, he is some hardheaded man, it took me a time to signalize him, that I'm not in high spirits to be examined so early in the morning by strange man. After I went from the bus, I was felt like a free man, and start to recover my mind from a weird bus drive. But, positive was that he gave me his business card, which can be a sign that I passed his test:)
Conclude can be: be always prepared, you can be stricken hard every time, in every place and maybe your professor will be informed that you don't know something what he learned you so many years :)))
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
How user solve programming problem

So for those who are making web applications, if you didn't predict something like this, you should consider it next time.
They can always blame you, they are always telling a truth, and you should start from that point.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Google's $10 Million Mobile Challenge

In one of my previous posts, I mentioned gPhone in a context of new mobile generation. We don't need to be smart to guess what would happen in near future. Users would be in some kind of "mobile disease", because what Google touch, it becomes revolution.
They started with this million challenge for developing applications based on Android platform.
What is important, and why this news is on this blog is because you can write applications for gPhone in Java using the Android core libraries.
Hope that NetBeans community would support this adequately, for now, as I can see Eclipse took a larger piece of development environment.
Link on tutorial of your first application for new generation of mobile systems
Announcement is given few days ago.You can read about it here.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Gridbag, my gridbag - funny video
As I started with java development, my big problem was to place objects on forms exactly like I had been planed. This video reminds me so much on some situations. Maybe is funny now, but it wasn't funny at all in the first development stages. But it's very funny video :)))
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
UML in NB Release Candidate 1

Managing UML templates can save you a lot of time, and a lot of nerves if you already used similar models in previous projects. NBRC1 offer you a easy moving over elements on diagram, easy making connection between them, inserting, customizing and assigning new to previous created elements.
It's really user friendly and useful tool for every java developer.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
From me to you, a good link
After reading many programming oriented blogs, I decided to share and to put in my blog roll link to one of my favorite blogs on sun developers network. Hope that he wouldn't have nothing against this. He is a NetBeans developer, and so called NetBeans Evangelist. You can find a lot of useful informations there if you are interested in Java/NetBeans development.
Link to famous Roumen's blog
Link to famous Roumen's blog
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Expecting NetBeans 6.0 Release

For those who prefer NetBeans in developing Java applications, these days we are expecting transition of our favorite developing environment, from Beta 6.0 in Release 6.0. Maybe some of you use Eclipse in development, but because of my very positive experience with java programming in NetBeans, I recommend it.
Very nice prepared road map from NetBeans development team

So, normal is that we are interested in what's new in NetBeans IDE 6.0.
I would make short notes, which parts are improved, but more you can read at NetBeans home page.
- Editor Improvements
- Ruby/JRuby/Ruby on Rails Support
- Easier Installation and Upgrading
- Swing GUI Development
- Profiling
- Web and Java EE
- Mobility
- C/C++
- NetBeans Platform API Improvements
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Deep Purple - Sarajevo 03/11/07

Finally, some great band in Sarajevo. Now, a group of very old boys, but still one of the best in the music world. Pioneers of true rock 'n' roll gave us pleasure to listen live, something what we listen for a years. Zetra in Sarajevo was really full of true rock fans and atmosphere was amazing.
Here you can see a part from it...
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Hello , hello, I can hear you, can you hear me ?!!!!

Heh, something in the way,uu,uu. My dear Curt, you should be alive, now, when Google have plan to distribute google phones. I can't wait to see which kind of attributes would be attached, but, we can suppose, Google would rock the planet once again.
Truly, I didn't have iPhone in my hand, but, after short online overview, and this new announcement from Google, Apple would loose a great part of cake, which they have a long time in customers eyes. They "smooth & anti-aliased" technology has always founded path "under skin" of people with taste.
Few days ago, my microphone on motorola suddenly died, and that is the main reason about my mobile phone interests. WLan is of course, numero uno requirement. So after review of my monthly budget, paying apartment rent, electricity, heat, water, maintaining of building, elevator tax, phone, internet, credit rate for car, very easy I saw that iPhone isn't in my range :) My good friend, who study in Wien, suggested me a some secondhand models, like Nokia n61. But, there is no camera. Can you imagine irony, that I have WLan without possibility to send a image from IT conference. So, I'm still will be first to know, when I buy this nice phone. Without better job, or two jobs in the same time, I can dream about new Google phone :)